Wedding Cake Freezing: How To. Beyond the big day. Start a sweet tradition. Tying the knot and preserving the cake. A guide to freezing your wedding cake. Easy tips and ideas!

Your wedding cake is more than just a delicious dessert; it’s literally a piece from your wedding day!

But what if you want to relish those delightful flavors and memories beyond the wedding day? Freezing your wedding cake is a fantastic way to preserve it and enjoy its goodness on anniversaries, special occasions, or even a sweet treat on a regular day.

In this blog, we’ll guide you through the step-by-step process of properly freezing your wedding cake, ensuring that every slice remains as moist and delectable as the day you said, “I do.”

Wedding Cake Freezing: How To

Choose the Right Cake

Not all wedding cakes freeze well, so it’s essential to select the right type.

Dense and moist cakes, like butter cakes or pound cakes, tend to freeze better than light and airy ones, such as sponge cakes.

Also, avoid cakes with fillings that go bad quickly or ingredients that may not withstand the freezing process.

Ask your wedding cake baker for ideas before ordering your cake to ensure you can execute your wedding cake freezing plan.

Wedding Cake Freezing: How To

Freeze Individual Slices

The easiest way to freeze your wedding cake is by slicing it into individual portions. Wrap each slice separately in plastic wrap to prevent freezer burn and then place them in an airtight container or ziplock bags.

Air-tight containers and bags are the key to preserving them and avoiding those nasty freezer burns.

Pre-freeze Unfrosted Cake

If you plan to freeze the entire cake, it’s best to pre-freeze it before adding the frosting.

Once your cake has cooled completely, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap and then in aluminum foil to protect it from freezer odors.

This only works if you bake your own cake. Or if you want to tell your wedding baker to bake a “show” cake that does not have any frosting so you can use it for freezing and then serve the “serving” cake for your wedding guests.

Ask your wedding baker if she can make a batch of just the frosting for you to freeze because this will make your life so much easier!

Store Properly (important tip when wedding cake freezing!)

For optimal results, place the wrapped cake slices or the entire cake in the back of the freezer, where the temperature remains constant.

Ensure there are no strong-smelling items nearby, as cakes can easily absorb odors.

Thawing Process

When you’re ready to relive your wedding day and take a bite from your wedding cake, the thawing process is crucial to preserve its taste and texture.

Take the wrapped slices or cake out of the freezer and let them thaw in the refrigerator overnight. Don’t put it in any warming devices – or leave it out on the counter. It still has to be in the fridge for controlled temperature.

Wedding Cake Freezing: How To

Re-frosting the Cake

If you froze individual cake slices, re-frosting is as simple as adding fresh frosting before serving.

For whole cakes, whip up a fresh batch of your wedding cake’s original frosting recipe and gently spread it over the thawed cake.

If you froze it with the frosting on, you can fix the way the frosting is once it’s thawed to make it a little bit more presentable.

Remember, it was packaged tightly and it was most likely squished in the process. Refrosting and redesigning can help bring it back to life!

Savoring the Moment

Now comes the best part – savoring each delicious bite and reminiscing about the beautiful memories of your wedding day.

Take your time and enjoy the cake’s sweet flavors, knowing that you’ve successfully preserved this cherished symbol of love.

Play the same music you played at your wedding cake cutting, or better during your first dance to truly transport you back in time like it was just yesterday!

〰️ Freezing your wedding cake is a wonderful way to extend the joy of your special day and create new memories with each anniversary celebration.

With careful planning and proper storage, you can indulge in the delicious flavors of your wedding cake for years to come.

There you are lovelies! Wedding Cake Freezing: How To!

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